Meet the Curators

1Life exists to partner with BC CRCs to provide life-long equipping & learning. It’s a wonderful time to find support for seeking spiritual growth & renewal in our churches.

We humbly put ourselves before you as curators who continually and discerningly find, sift, contextualize and share the very best content that correspond with the five callings named by synod. It’s our strong conviction that this 5-fold path offers a very holistic, healthy approach to spiritual maturity.

Why 1Life?
Why do we exist?

About Us

What Does a 1Life
Curator Do?

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Our Mission, Our Vision
and Our Values

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Collaborations and
Discipleship Collective


Curated by Wilma van der Leek (MCS, Regent College)

Curator, Servant Leadership; Leadership Development Network


Curated by Liz Tolkamp

Curator for Faith Formation, BC Catalyzer


Curated by John Zuidhof

Facilitator on 1Life Team; Refugee sponsorship and Olive Branch dinners with Agassiz Group of Churches, including Riverside CRC


Curated by Erik Delange

Podcast Creator Extraordinaire


Curated by Sarah Lee

Communications Coordinator
