Our Mission, Our Vision and Our Values


The vision we’re working towards is for the BC CRCs to become more vibrant, whole-hearted communities of Christian worship, discipleship, and mission


Spurred on by this vibrant, urgent vision of renewal that has been noted by both classes, we take up a mission to connect individuals, congregations, and the broader community to a curated curriculum of resources and gatherings that:

  • Brings coherence and depth to existing local, classical, denominational, and ecumenical resources
  • Encourages the theological reflection, leadership, and faith-filled practice needed for this moment
  • Encompasses the five callings of ministry of the CRC: Faith Formation, Global Mission, Mercy and Justice, Servant leadership, and Gospel Proclamation and Worship


In all of our curating, connecting & collaborating, we aim to embody:

  • Prayerful dependence on the in-dwelling Trinity
  • Hospitable space, hospitable pace
  • Authentic, charitable conversations, and story-sharing
  • Holistic learning in community through action and reflection
  • Timely theological reflection with a Reformed accent
  • Covenantal relationships with classis and denomination

I can think of no more stirring and energizing time in which to live the Christian life. Bon voyage!

from "Where in the World Are We?” by Douglas John Hall, Theology Professor Emeritus, McGill University