
Reflecting on MAiD: how can we remain faithful in our living and dying?

Facilitator: Caroline Short, First Vancouver CRC, Synodical Task Force Member, Medically Assisted Suicide To learn more: about the

anyone affected by or advocating for Christian care in complex situations, Deacons, Elders, Pastors

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Positive Care and Grace in Dementia

Facilitator: Steve Berkenpas, Lead pastor, Living Hope CRC To learn more: about the church’s calling to justice & mercy: Diaconal

anyone affected by or advocating for Christian care in complex situations, Deacons, Elders, Pastors

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Disability without Poverty

Facilitator: Rachel Vroege, Diaconal Ministries Canada West & Amanda Lockitch, Disability without Poverty To learn more: about the

anyone affected by or advocating for Christian care in complex situations, Deacons, Elders, Pastors

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Refugee Welcome Amidst Changing Canadian Immigration Policy

Facilitator: Dena Nicolai, Chaplain & Refugee Support Mobilizer BC Classes To learn more: about the church’s calling to justice

anyone affected by or advocating for Christian care in complex situations, Deacons, Elders, Pastors

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Stewardship Toolkit: Time, Talent, Treasures, Trees

Stewardship is the faithful management of all that God has entrusted to us so that creation and all who live in it may flourish. It

any interested church attender, Church Leaders, Deacons

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Stewardship Toolkit: Time, Talent, Treasures, Trees

Stewardship is the faithful management of all that God has entrusted to us so that creation and all who live in it may flourish. It

any interested church attender, Church Leaders, Deacons

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Stewardship Toolkit: Time, Talent, Treasures, Trees

Stewardship is the faithful management of all that God has entrusted to us so that creation and all who live in it may flourish. It

any interested church attender, Church Leaders, Deacons

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Circle of Grace Training

Circle of Grace is a Christian safe environment curriculum used and promoted in the CRCNA that helps teach the value of positive

children and youth mentors., coordinators, GEMS and Cadet leaders and counselors, Junior Youth leaders, ministry leaders and teachers, Sunday School/Children's pastors, Youth leaders, youth pastors

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Bible Discovery Workshop – Online

As we come out of a pandemic, consider the opportunities that are available as people in our neighbourhoods are searching for truth and

Adult small group and Bible study leaders Adult small group and Bible study leaders

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Bible Discovery Workshop – In-Person

As we come out of a pandemic, consider the opportunities that are available as people in our neighbourhoods are searching for truth and

Adult small group and Bible study leaders

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Circle of Grace Training

Participants in this workshop will learn about the Circle of Grace curriculum. This curriculum teaches children and youth how being

children and youth mentors., coordinators, GEMS and Cadet leaders and counselors, Junior Youth leaders, ministry leaders and teachers, Sunday School/Children's pastors, Youth leaders, youth pastors

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1Life Foundations: Called to Global Mission – from colonizing to world community

1Life Foundations will be offered on-line to a cohort of participants committed to attending the six workshops and sharing what they’ve

anyone seeking spiritual encouragement for themselves and their community

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