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Event Series Event Series: Contemplative Evening Prayer

Contemplative Evening Prayer

Sunday, December 1 @ 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

“My heart says of God, Seek his face!
Your face, LORD, I will seek”
(Ps. 27:8)

Contemplative prayer is the response of our hearts to the invitation we often hear throughout Scripture to “seek God’s face.” (1Ch 16:11, 2Ch 7:14, Ps, 24:6, Hos. 5:15) This rich, quiet prayer arises from the deep desire to be led to God who alone is the ultimate satisfaction of our longing. Such prayer awakens in us the desire to seek not only the knowledge of God, but a growing intimacy with Christ and Christ’s Spirit. (Jn 5:39).

Prayers, songs, art work & liturgies are adapted from various sources, including Lift Up Your Hearts, the Iona community, Porter’s Gate, and Every Moment Holy. Scripture is chosen from the Revised Standard Lectionary.

This is a repeating event, on-line, first Sunday of the month, October – June at 8:00 p.m. PST.

For each month’s link and to receive materials, please contact Liz Tolkamp: liz@crc1life.ca


  • Language

    Language is simple and accessible

  • Physical Abilities

    All physical abilities considered (wheelchair, cane use, washroom access, etc)