
Joel Jang and Chloe Kim: Multiculturalism & Missions with Vancouver Dream Church

Joel Jang and Chloe Kim from Vancouver Dream Church join the One Life Podcast to share their inspiring journeys of faith and mission.

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Peter Rockhold: Reasons for Leaving the Christian Reformed Church

Erik sits down with Peter Rockhold (Former CRC Pastor, Red Deer, Alberta. Current Pastor at UCC Church Marysville, Kansas), to tell the

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Jessica Boy: Resonate and Getting to Know our Neighbours

Erik sits down with Jessica Boy (Resonate Global Mission), to tell the story of her calling to ministry among and with her indigenous

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Frank Van Ryk: Telling our Stories and the Healing Journey

Erik sits down with Frank Van Ryk (Cornerstone CRC), member of the Executive team of BC Safe Church, to tell his own story of how God

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Hannah van der Kamp: Refugees in Greece & Growing up CRC

Erik sits down with Hannah van der Kamp (Resonate Global Mission, Ladner CRC) to discuss her unlikely calling to mission work. Hannah

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Nick Loenen: Lessons in Disagreeing Well

Erik sits down with Nick Loenen (Ladner CRC) to discuss the elephant in the room: the Christian Reformed Church’s Synod &

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Jennalene Steinbichler: The Art & Science of Worship Directing

Erik sits down with Jennalene Steinbichler (Cornerstone CRC Chilliwack) to discuss the Art & Science of worship directing. This is

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Bev Bandstra: Servant Leadership Over the Years

Erik sits down with Bev Bandstra (Ladner CRC) to discuss her history of servant leadership as a Missionary with her husband to Nigeria,

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Meghan Kort: A Calling in Communications

Erik sits down with Meghan Kort (Terrace CRC), assistant editor of Christian Courier, to talk about her background in political

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Jenn Burnett: Drawing out the Gold

Erik has an animated conversation with Pastor Jenn Burnett (The Well Kelowna) about playing & praying, and other practices that

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Kevin Vanderveen: Kingdom Breaking in at the Hockey Rink

Erik chats with Pastor Kevin Vanderveen (Duncan CRC) about what he loves about being a chaplain to the Cowichan Valley Capitals hockey

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Dr. Selena Headley: Gospel Transformation from Calgary to South Africa

Host Erik Delange sat down with Dr. Selena Headly, a missionary from Calgary currently serving in South Africa. She talks about what

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