BC Leadership Development Network (LDN)
The Bible is an amazing book of life revealing God’s staggering care for the world. It is the Word that forms our communities to be Christ-bearers.
But it’s not quick read. Reading the Bible as it was written to be read, you have to dwell in the text, see the whole woven tapestry from Genesis to Revelation.
The BC Leadership Development Network (now a 1Life leadership intensive) offers this quality dwelling time. Our goal is to foster a deep and deeply relevant Biblical imagination in the leaders of our BC CRCs.
Apply for our 2022-2023 LDN cohort, complete this application form.
Find the pastoral reference form here.
Find the LDN curriculum overview for 2022-2023 here.
Missed our information session? Find the PowerPoint deck here.
Contact our facilitator directly (Pastor Wilma van der Leek): wilma@crc1life.ca
Contact our LDN administrator directly (Anne Duifhuis): office@crc1life.ca